Saturday, March 1, 2014

Thank You!

We’ve exceeded 45,000 views!

Thanks to everyone for checking out the trailer, and for spreading the word.

It is crazy how much feedback this video has received both positive and negative.
I was admittedly very surprised this fun parody trailer would be causing such controversy. It has been eye-opening to see all the anonymous opinions … especially directed toward women. All I did was swap male roles for female without any other explanation. I am allowing people to think whatever they want – and this they have done. 

We have been receiving great feedback from numerous blogs and news sources across the web. Below are just a few of the links. Feel free to check them out!


  1. Can you make this movie? Like, for real, can you please make this movie?

  2. This is just awesome. Thanks for capturing the most redundant pattern used on movies and flip it over. Idea that I exactly imagined with only watching the trailer (never the movie), now for real!
